Nicaragua Insurance


Flag of Nicaragua, featured in the: Nicaragua Insurance, post. Nicaragua Insurance – World Insurance Companies Logos. Insurance Company List. By clicking on the logos of each insurer, you can find up-to-date details about the various types of coverage policies you need.

List of Insurance Companies Logos and Names in Nicaragua

List of Insurance Companies Logos and Names in Nicaragua. Clicking on Logos of the insurers gives you instant access to up-to-date information on insurance matters that can help you in the task of choosing the best insurance, and also, get phone numbers, addresses, and prices, that insurers offer on the Internet. ​ 

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    Noticias Today

    Nicaragua news logo
    World News Today

    Insurance Company Names

    Updated list of the names of Nicaragua-based insurers.

    Assa Compañía de Seguros, S.A. – (ASSA).

    Instituto Nicaragüense de Seguros Y Reaseguros – (INISER).

    Mapfre, S.A. – (MAPFRE).

    Seguros Latin American S.A.

    Seguros Lafise, S.A. – (LAFISE).

    From  SIBOIF

    Health in Nicaragua

    Healthcare in this Nation involves the collaboration of private and public institutions. Although Nicaragua’s health outcomes have improved over the past few decades with the efficient utilization of resources relative to other Central American nations, it still confronts challenges responding to its population’s diverse health care needs.

    The Nicaraguan government guarantees universal free health care for its citizens. However, limitations of current delivery models and unequal distribution of resources and medical personnel contribute to the persistent lack of quality care in more remote areas of Nicaragua, especially among rural communities in the Central and Atlantic region. To respond to the dynamic needs of localities, the government has adopted a decentralized model that emphasizes community-based preventative and primary medical care.

    Between 1990 and 2016, the population grew by 53.7%, reaching 6.3 million inhabitants in 2016. In 1990 it had an expansive trend structure, which currently acquires a stationary trend in the population under 20 years of age.

    The estimated indigenous and Afro-descendant population was 8.6%, with the majority being Miskito peoples (27.2%) and Nahuamange chorotegas (10.4%).

    The global fertility rate is 2.1 children per woman and the estimated life expectancy at birth for 2016 is 75.8 years (78.9 in women and 72.6 in men).

    During the period 2006-2015, real economic growth, increased from 4.2% to 4.9% at the expense of the agricultural sector, and GDP per capita went from US$1,203.7 to US$2,026.7, with a drop in the accumulated annual inflation rate from 9.4% to 3.1%.

    Review Central America Insurance.

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