
Insurance in Peru

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List of Insurance Companies Logos and Names in Peru – World Insurance Companies Logos. This page allows you to quickly find the logos and names of the leading Peruvian insurance companies.

The image shows Aerial view of the 1970 Huascarán avalanche that destroyed Yungay, Peru.
The 1970 Huascarán Debris Avalanche

List of Insurance Companies Logos in Peru

Insurance companies logos in Peru. By clicking on the logos of insurance companies in Peru, you will instantly get up-to-date information on insurance matters.
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Insurance Company Names

Names of insurance companies. Updated list of names of insurance companies based in Peru.

Av. Javier Prado Este 492 - Oficina 2601, San Isidro, Lima.
Teléfonos: 6114700 6114720
Rimac Seguros
Calle LAS BEGONIAS 475, San Isidro, Lima, Teléfonos: 4113000
Cesce Perú
Av. Victor A Belaunde 147 - Oficina 601, Lima, Lima, Teléfono: 5137200
La Positiva
Calle Los Castaños 462, San Isidro, Lima, Teléfono: 2642460; 2641877
Mapfre Peru
Av. 28 DE JULIO 873, Miraflores, Lima, Teléfono: 2137373 / 2139148
Pacifico Seguros
Av. Juan de Arona 830, San Isidro, Lima, Teléfono:3132000
La Positiva Vida
Calle Los Castaños 462, San Isidro, Lima, Teléfono: 2183015 2641877
Av. Canaval y Moreyra 380, Lima, Teléfono: 6151721
Av. Domingor Orue 165 - Oficina 8, Surquillo, Lima, Teléfono: 3913030 / 3913030
Av. Felipe Pardo y Aliaga 699 - Oficina 302, San Isidro, Lima, Teléfono: 6164141

From Superintendencia de Banca y Seguros
Calle AMADOR MERINO REYNA 267 - Oficina 402, San Isidro, Lima, Teléfono: 4175000 / 2213313
Mapfre Peru Vida
Av. 28 DE JULIO 873, Miraflores, Lima, Teléfono: 2137373 / 2139148
Vida Camara
Av. Republica de Panama 3418 - Oficina 601, San Isidro, Lima, Teléfono: 6042020
Calle Coronel Andres Reyes 420 - Oficina 601 A, San Isidro, Lima, Teléfono: 2303030 /4372928
Av. LA FLORESTA 497, Lima, Lima, Teléfono: 3727373
Ohio National Vida
Calle Las Camelias 256 - Oficina 401, San Isidro, Lima, Teléfono: 2042330 / 2042357
Calle 41 840 CORPAC 1 - Oficina 1, San Isidro, Lima, Teléfono: 6163434
Av. Victor Andres Belaunde 147 - Oficina T1,P8, San Isidro, Lima, 6163434 / 7154400
​Av. Rivera Navarrete 495 - Oficina 1302, Lima, Telefono: 3213451

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The Image Shows the Flag of Peru. World Insurance Companies Logos.
Flag of Peru

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Economy of Peru

Main export article since 1987.

Coca has a long history of cultivation in the Andes, and has always been a traditional part of Peruvian life. However, the narcotic properties of coca were known only locally until 1786, when Lamarck listed the leaf in his botanical encyclopedia. After the arrival of the Spanish, coca cultivation increased and its use became more common and widespread.

Since 1543, coca has been internationally recognized for its trading value, and regulations imposed upon it have attached increasing economic importance to the plant. Exchange of the coca leaf between consumers in the highlands and growers in the low-lying hills has gone on for at least the last millennium, strengthening local economic ties.

Between 1884 and 1900, coca and cocaine grew in popularity for medical purposes and mass consumption in the United States. From 1905 to 1922, anti-cocaine sentiments in the US resulted in criminalization of both coca and cocaine. It was not until the 1920s that US diplomats began to extend drug prohibitions internationally.

Current Trends
The Peruvian coca and cocaine industry is as huge as it is today because of advanced industrial nations’ demand for drugs. This high demand has created a framework of dependence on “coca-dollars” and on US drug policy. Money from cocaine trafficking feeds local economies, supports inflation, and even causes social changes such as cocaine smoking among indigenous Peruvians.

Coca farming today is still a significant source of income for peasants, as it accounts for 48% of total net family income in the high coca-growing Apurímac River region. In an effort to reduce drug use in America, for the past 50 years the US government together with the United Nations have been waging a war on drugs.

The US Drug Control Program maintains that “eliminating the cultivation of illicit coca and opium is the best approach to combating cocaine and heroin available in the US.”

With US government cooperation, the Peruvian Government installed the National Plan for the Prevention and Control of Drugs in 1995.
This government prohibition of narcotics trafficking in Peru has resulted in a 70% reduction of coca leaf cultivation since 1995.

However, the reduction in cultivation may not have actual effects on cocaine production, as recent advances in coca growing and more efficient processing methods allow for greater cocaine yield.
The size of the narcotics’ industry as a part of the national economy is difficult to measure, but estimates range from $300–$600 million.

An estimated 200,000 Peruvian households have economies based on the production, refining, or distribution of coca. Many economists believe that large flows of dollars into the banking system contribute to the traditional depression of the dollar exchange rate vis-à-vis the sol.
The Central Bank engages in open market activities to prevent the price of the sol from rising to levels that would cause Peruvian exports to become prohibitively expensive.

Hurt economically by Peruvian Air Force interdiction efforts in the mid-1990s,[citation needed] drug traffickers are now using land and river routes as well as aircraft to transport cocaine paste and, increasingly, refined cocaine to consumers around and out of the country.
The Air Bridge Denial program was suspended in April 2001 after the Peruvian Air Force and strength of the U.S. DEA misidentified a civilian aircraft as a drug trafficker and shot it down, killing two American citizens on board.

Peru continues to arrest drug traffickers and seize drugs and precursor chemicals, destroy coca labs, disable clandestine airstrips, and prosecute officials involved in narcotics corruption.

Working with limited aid of the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), the Peruvian Government carries out alternative development programs in the leading coca-growing areas in an effort to convince coca farmers not to grow that crop.

Although the government previously eradicated only coca seed beds, in 1998 and 1999 it began to eradicate mature coca being grown in national parks and elsewhere in the main coca growing valleys. In 1999 the government eradicated more than 150 km² of coca; this figure declined to 65 km² in 2000, due largely to political instability.

The government agency “Contradrogas”, founded in 1996, facilitates coordination among Peruvian Government agencies working on counter-narcotics issues. Alternative crops, however, are not economically comparable to coca. 2004 prices indicate an annual income per hectare of $600 for coffee and $1000 for cocoa, versus up to $7500 for a hectare of coca.

List of Insurance Companies in Peru – World Insurance Companies Logos.

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