What to do after a Car Accident


What to do after a Car Accident – World Insurance Companies Logos. If you’ve been involved in a car accident, it’s important to stay calm and take the necessary steps to ensure your safety and protect your interests. Here’s what you should do after a car accident:

Tips for drivers

Illustration of two crashed cars in the 'What to Do After a Car Accident' post
I hope it doesn’t happen, but if you do have a car accident, please follow these instructions.
The image shows two fictitious cars collided between them and the driver of one of these highly thoughtful cars. World insurance companies logos
Stay calm, get out of the car carefully, move the car if there are roadblocks.
Turn off the engine and take the key.
The image shows the driver of one of those cars evaluating what to do
In case of injury, call emergency medical services and the police – do not move the injured person unless there is a danger of transit, fire or explosion – the injured person needs your help! – Forget the shock of the car accident, the loss of time and money.
The image shows the driver of one of those cars placing warning signs for the accident. What to do after a Car Accident - World insurance companies logos.
Place warning signs at sufficient distance to warn other drivers of the accident – Stay away if fuel is spilled
What to do after a Car Accident
Place past the shock of the car accident – one must call to the insurance company hotline exchanged with the other driver some data essential: car domain, name and document holder, phone and address – make, model, color and type of car – name of the insurance company and its policy signs at sufficient distance to warn other drivers of the accident – stay away in case of fuel spill.
The image shows the driver of one of those cars placing thoughtful and a help crane that approaches the place.
World Insurance Companies Logos
Recommendations, if there is any injury, ask for legal advice – make the allegations in the police and the insurer in time and manner – take pictures of damaged parts of self – present pictures and budgets to your insurance company – the insurer will check vehicle damages and will contact – remember, only your lawyer or your insurance company can give details about the accident.

If you are involved in an accident, first make sure there are no injuries in the car. Then check the occupants of the other vehicle or, if necessary, make sure no pedestrians are injured.

Then consider these five factors:

  • Stand by the scene. Departure can lead to additional infractions or fines. 
  • Call 911 or the police right away. They will send medical staff and a police officer on site. Let the police finish their accident report. 
  • If you are on a busy freeway, stay in the car and wait for the police or an ambulance. It is dangerous for passengers stand on a busy road. 
  • Never argue or fight with the other driver. Just share your details and insurance information. If possible, also get the name and phone number of witnesses. 
  • Call your insurer and report the claim. Your agent will ask you to send any documents you receive regarding the accident and will give you instructions on where you can have your car repaired.

Safety Tips For Accident Prevention

Here are some tips when you’re driving:

  • Do not allow children to fight or get into your car (they should be secured in their seats at all times).
  • A bump or too much noise can easily distract you from concentrating on driving safely.
  • Cell phones can also distract you from the task at hand: getting to your destination safely.
  • Avoid driving when tired. Be aware that some medications can cause drowsiness and make driving very dangerous.
  • Always use caution when changing roadways. Cutting into someone’s lane, changing lanes too quickly, or failing to signal could cause an accident or interfere with other drivers.

What should I do if a police officer pulls me over? – Tips for Drivers

If you see a police car following you with emergency lights flashing, pull over safely and quickly to the side of the road.
Wait in your vehicle until the officer approaches and speaks to you, and be prepared:

  • Turn on your interior lights at night and keep your hands where the officer can see them, preferably on the steering wheel.
  • Don’t reach under your seat or into your glove compartment. This may make the officer think you’re reaching for a weapon or hiding something.
  • Give the officer your license and registration if asked. If the officer asks you to step out of your vehicle, do so without making sudden or threatening movements.
  • Remain calm – do not become argumentative, disorderly, or abusive – and never try to bribe the officer.
  • Tell your story in traffic court if you feel you’ve been treated unfairly. You may be represented by an attorney and, if necessary, you’ll be heard by a judge or magistrate.

What should I know about speeding and other traffic laws?

Tips for Drivers. Some streets are designated as slow zones.
These may include streets in areas with heavy pedestrian traffic, such as school zones and streets with many intersections.

Driving above the speed limit can put you and others at risk.
7 things to do to keep you safe and avoid a ticket:

  • Basic car safety encourages you to obey the posted speed limit at all times.
    Speeding tickets are costly, and penalties for speeding can include fines, court appearances and loss or suspension of your driving privileges.
    Also, depending on your insurance policy, speeding tickets can impact your rates. 
  • Never pass a stopped bus displaying a stop sign to its left; that’s a signal that children are crossing the street. 
  • If you hear a siren coming behind you, it’s an indication that a police or fire truck is speeding by you, to an emergency. If it is safe, pull to the side, stop and wait until the vehicle goes by. 
  • Horn honking is reserved for emergencies. It’s considered rude to use your horn for any other situation. 
  • Completely stop at stop signs and look for other drivers and pedestrians before you cross. 
  • Pay attention when parking your car. Always look for the tow zone or handicapped signs, these areas are reserved for vehicles with special permits. As well, some streets may be subject to parking restrictions, and failure to follow instructions at a parking meter may result in a fine.
  • Some of the variables that may affect safe driving, like the weather, can’t be controlled. However, by staying alert, taking precautions, and following our safe driving tips you can avoid potential car accidents and tickets.

Drunk driving kills people

Tips for Drivers. It’s a simple fact: Drinking and driving kills people. Driving after consuming alcohol is known as driving under the influence (DUI) or driving while intoxicated (DWI).

A DUI arrest can have costly consequences, including jail time, license suspension or revocation, and fines. If you hit or kill someone while driving impaired, the consequences are even worse.
It’s also illegal to have an open container of alcohol in your car. If you’re transporting alcoholic beverages, they should be sealed and in the trunk.

In some cities, law enforcement officials set up roadside sobriety checkpoints to deter and identify impaired drivers. Checkpoints are usually set up during holiday weekends or on dates when there may be an increase in drinking and driving.

If you are stopped at a checkpoint, you will be asked several questions and may be asked to perform a field sobriety test (such as saying the ABCs backwards, performing some physical movements, or blowing into an alcohol sensor). If these tests show that you have a high alcohol level, the police may arrest you.

Winter driving tips

Tips for Drivers.
First, buckle up. Basic car safety encourages the use of seat belts and car seats at all times.
They’re one of your best defenses in a crash. And it’s the law.

Winter can bring snow, freezing rain and slush, all of which can make driving hazardous.
Use extra caution in areas that can quickly become icy, especially intersections, shaded areas, bridges and overpasses.
Since the winter season can bring all kinds of weather surprises, regularly check the weather forecast on TV or radio to prepare for inclement weather.
On severe weather days, schools and workplaces may close or delay opening. Consider staying home if you don’t need to travel.

Make sure you have an emergency kit in the trunk of your car, including blankets, a first aid kit, and jumper cables. Include some food and water in your emergency kit, make sure your cell phone is fully charged, and that your car always has a full tank of gas.

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What to do after a Car Accident – World Insurance Companies Logos

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