Albania Insurance

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Insurance Company Logos in Albania

Logos of Insurance Companies in Albania. The graphic mark of a company is synonymous with its brand. In insurance, a logo is immediately recognizable and enables the customer to associate the company with the useful qualities such as confidence, the right price, and a lot of other vital questions about the task of finding the best insurance.

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F i n a n c i a l   S u p e r v i s o r y  A u t h o r i t y

Article 4 
Criteria of reinsurance companies’ selection:

a) When selecting the reinsurance companies, with which it is going to enter into reinsurance agreements, the insurers operating in the Republic of Albania shall make sure that they meet the following criteria: 

– They must not be under a bankruptcy process 

– The leader of reinsurance agreement cannot have a lower rating than:  

–  ο BBB+ from Standard& Poor’s (or similar to Fitch Ratings, MOODY’S, AM BEST);  

– Reinsurers participating on unlimited layers, can not have a rating lower than BBB+ from Standard&Poor’s or comparable to Fitch Ratings, MOODY’S, AM BEST) 

– In each of the  layers of the reinsurance agreement, every reinsurer, that participates with 10% or more in that layer, can not have a lower rating than ο BBB- from Standard& Poor’s (or comparable to Fitch Ratings, MOODY’S, AM BEST)

– No less than 80% of the reinsurance coverage in the reinsurance agreement for each of the limited layers must consist of reinsurance companies, which have a rating not lower than ο BBB- from Standard& Poor’s (or comparable to Fitch Ratings, MOODY’S, AM BEST); 

b) The Insurer is liable to make sure that every reinsurer, who is part of the reinsurance agreement with a rating lower than BBB- from Standard& Poor’s (or equivalent to Fitch Ratings, MOODY’S, AM BEST), has not contracted any liability higher than 10% of its own capital.  

c)  Reinsurance coverage by means of facultative reinsurance contracts has to 
meet the following conditions: 
– 100% of the unlimited coverage must be carried out through reinsurers, which have a classification not lower than BBB from Standard&Poor’s (or similar to Fitch Ratings, MOODY’S, AM BEST)

– The insurer is liable to  make sure that every reinsurer, who participates in the facultative reinsurance contract with a lower rating than BBB- from Standard& Poor’s (or equivalent to Fitch Ratings, MOODY’S, AM BEST), has not contracted any liability higher than 10% of its own capital.  

d) The insurer has the obligation to submit to the Financial Supervisory Authority all the necessary information on the financial situation 
and the position of the reinsurance company, which may participate in the reinsurance agreement  or contract (according to restrictions set forth in the above paragraphs a, b and c), before signing the reinsurance agreement or 
the contract in cases when: 

– The reinsurance company has not been rated by any of the following rating agencies – Standard & Poor’s, Fitch Ratings, MOODY’S and AM BEST.

-It has lower ratings than BBB from S&P (comparable to Fitch Ratings, MOODY’S, AM BEST)

From   F I N A N C I A L   S U P E R V I S O R Y   A U T H O R I T Y

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