San Marino Insurance

The image shows the Flag of San Marino.. World Insurance Companies Logos – San Marino Insurance. San Marino Insurance – World Insurance Companies Logos. Monitor San Marino’s best providers, based on cost, coverage, customer service and claims support. Find the insurer you trust.

Insurance Company Logos in San Marino

Logos of Insurance Companies in San Marino. The graphic mark of a company is synonymous with its brand. A logo is immediately recognizable and enables the customer to associate the company with the useful qualities such as confidence, the right price, and a lot of other vital questions about the task of finding the best coverage.
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The image shows the flag of San Marino. World Insurance Companies Logos - San Marino, Europe.
Insurers In San Marino. World Insurance Companies Logos

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Healthcare in San Marino

Healthcare in San Marino is provided through a universal health care system, as well as private healthcare to complement it. San Marino’s healthcare system is consistently rated as one of the top three in Europe.
State system
State healthcare is provided through the Azienda Sanitaria Locale national health insurance fund. All employees must register with it upon starting a job, and upon registration, are issued with a health card and number, and are automatically registered with a doctor in their neighborhood. Employers pay a contribution for each employee, deducted from their salaries, while the self-employed must pay the full contribution.

Employed persons’ dependent family members are covered by their assurance. Vulnerable people, such as the unemployed, aged, diabetics, and those on long-term maternity leave, do not need to register with an employer, and are entitled to free treatment without paying contributions.

The state health system covers most basic healthcare, such as hospitalization, specialized care, prescription drugs, pregnancy and childbirth, and rehabilitation services.

Private Health Care
Private health assurance is widely used, and there is a series of private clinics in the country. Private assurance grants shorter waiting lists than in the public system, a choice of one’s doctor, and more comfortable facilities in hospitals, with those who have private coverage entitled to their own single or double room, while those under state coverage must share a room.

From Wikipedia

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