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List of Insurance Companies in Zimbabwe

The image shows the flag of Zimbabwe. World Insurance Companies Logos – List of Insurance Companies in Zimbabwe. ​​List of Insurance Companies Logos and Names in Zimbabwe – World Insurance Companies Logos. Clicking on the logo of each insurance company, one can obtain a series of updates of the information that each insurer offers over the Internet.

​​List of Insurance Companies Logos and Names in Zimbabwe

​​List of Insurance Companies Logos and Names in Zimbabwe. Research and compare the list of insurers to find the one that suits you best.

The image shows the flag of Zimbabwe. World Insurance Companies Logos – List of Insurance Companies in Zimbabwe.
Flag of Zimbabwe
Image Logo of the site: Zimbabwe press
Zimbabwe press

Health in Zimbabwe

Life expectancy in select Southern African countries, 1950–2019. HIV/AIDS has caused a fall in life expectancy.
Zimbabwe suffered occasional outbreaks of acute diseases (such as plague in 1994). The gains on the national health were eroded by structural adjustment in the 1990s, the impact of the HIV/AIDS pandemic and the economic crisis since the year 2000. In 2006, Zimbabwe had one of the lowest life expectancies in the world according to UN figure—44 for men and 43 for women, down from 60 in 1990, but recovered to 60 in 2015. The rapid drop was ascribed mainly to the HIV/AIDS pandemic. Infant mortality rose from 6% in the late 1990s to 12.3% by 2004. By 2016 HIV/AIDS prevalence had been reduced to 13.5%, compared to 40% in 1998.

In August 2008 large areas of Zimbabwe were struck by the ongoing cholera epidemic. By December 2008 more than 10,000 people had been infected in all but one of Zimbabwe’s provinces and the outbreak had spread to Botswana, Mozambique, South Africa and Zambia. On 4 December 2008 the Zimbabwe government declared the outbreak to be a national emergency and asked for international aid.[

By 9 March 2009 The World Health Organization (WHO) estimated that 4,011 people had succumbed to the waterborne disease since the outbreak began in August 2008, and the total number of cases recorded had reached 89,018. In Harare, the city council offered free graves to cholera victims. There had been signs that the disease is abating, with cholera infections down by about 50% to around 4,000 cases a week.

The 2014 maternal mortality rate per 100,000 births in Zimbabwe was 614 compared to 960 in 2010–11 and 232 in 1990. The under five mortality rate, per 1,000 births was 75 in 2014 (94 in 2009).

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